
  • A syndrome characterised by pain radiating from the back into the buttock and into the lower extremity along its posterior or lateral aspect and most commonly caused by prolapse of the intervertebral disk, the term is also used to refer to pain anywhere along the course of the sciatic nerve.

  • Typically characterised by pain, numbness and/or weakness going from the back into the buttock and the lower extremity and most commonly caused by protrusion of the intervertebral disk. Sciatica may be treated as shown below:

Small Endoscope or Open Spine Surgery
Small Endoscope
closed spine surgery
No Stitches needed since opening is so small (4 mm).  More..
Non Traumatic Discectomy
Non Traumatic DiscectomyNon Traumatic Discectomy can provide an effective way to decompress and repair damaged discs without traumatic surgery.  More..
Open Spine Surgery.
open spine surgery
An open operation using an incision with external visualization of the surgical field with an operating microscope.More..
After Open Surgery
Audio RoomScan showing permanent ill effects after Microdiscectomy (an open operation) done elsewhere.  More..
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